"Somewhere there is someone that dreams of your smile, and finds in your presence that life is worthwhile, so when you are lonely remember its true, someone somewhere is thinking of you." author unknown
As most of you know, I love quotes. I like to look up a quote for the day. It's part of my morning ritual. So as I sit here at 12:49am, unable to will sleep to come, I decided that what the heck it's morning mine as well go and blog. I found this quote almost immediately. And my thoughts turned to two beautiful women. Who have found themselves with only Bill and BOB in there lives. Both of them assuming that they will wind up spinsters. You know the type, 20,000 cats, scary old house, and kids who RUN down the sidewalk ready to put as much space b/w them and the CRAZY CAT LADY as the can.
What these two women fail to realize is that love takes it's time to come into our lives. Some people find true love early only to lose it too quickly. The ones who have to wait for love seem to have it until their last day on this earth. I used to be the girl in high school who could never have a truly lasting relationship. (of course it was HIGH SCHOOL) But I continued on with my life. Enjoying the wrong guys until the right one came along. Funny to think back on that now and realize my one true love was there the whole time. It just wasn't our time until years later.
I am a firm believer in not to go looking for love. Let it find you. Because trust me ladies it will and when it does it will be worth the wait.
You both have so much to offer someone. And said person will realize how extraordinary you both are that they will never want to let go. So don't settle for Mr. Wrong or Mr Right Now because in doing so you could let Mr Right slip right on by. Stay open to the possibilities that life has to offer you. Go through life with your heart as open as your eyes are.
You both have been blessed with lovely babies (though they aren't babies anymore). Trust me when I say to cherish them, throw your lives into them. They will keep the bad thoughts away and make you laugh so much you won't think about crying. You won't have time to think about what you don't have or what you think your life is missing. The kiddos will keep you sooo busy that you won't have the time to think about lonely.
Until the day comes, remember this: “Somewhere there is someone that dreams of your smile, and finds in your presence that life is worthwhile, so when you are lonely remember its true, someone somewhere is thinking of you"