Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Friends Welcome Relatives By Appt. ONLY


Okay so today was one for the record books. Two of my extended family members had a blow out. I managed to stay calm and keep my nose out of it! Wee Haa!

To me, fighting with family isn't worth the effort. Family is always gonna be there. Get used to it, get over it, and move on. Life is way to precious to spend the days fighting. We fight for a lot of important reasons. If you're gonna fight then fight for a good reason. Megan fights everyday with ML. She's not backing down. We fight cancer with chemo, we fight infections with meds. WE DO NOT FIGHT WITH THE PEOPLE WHO WILL BE THE ONE DECIDING WHICH NURSING HOME TO PUT YOU IN.

I for one would much rather prefer to be in an expensive nursing home. With digital cable and a DVR. I would like ice chips when I want ice chips and the bathroom when the need calls. I will preach this to my children everyday. I will smile when I am angry (thinking to myself diapers, food, and dvr). I will try not to criticize, belittle, or put out my opinions of the pink hair to aggressively. Children have memories, I want my girls to be of a nice but tough momma who always had kind words and an open home. BABBLE BABBLE BABBLE Just don't fight. Speak calmly and rationale will follow.

The flip side of my day.......

Megan's big toenail came off. We don't know why, how, etc. It's bleeding. Can't help but wonder if it's a muco thing. Rebecca was goofing off and fell. Megan laughed so hard at her that she peed her pants. Gotta love em' Lily ate 3 not one not two but THREE of Matt's arrows (6 cost him 120 so she had a 60 dollar snack) He was NOT pleased. But he wanted new arrows anyways (I wonder if they conspired against me on this lol) Other than that the day was pretty good. Come on DFAS we wanted the day to be great. Oh well maybe tomorrow.

Quote of the day

"Friends Welcome Relatives By Appointment"

HUGS Always

1 comment:

Hanna Banana said...

I second that one. Lily ate THREE of them?

Love Ya,